Freitag, 1. Januar 1971




"With Adrien, we worked on our dialogue because he had to speak German with me, and he did an amazing job, actually. He sounded like my grandmother--not the voice, but the tone. My grandmother is from Poland. It was creepy. We didn't rehearse very much, but we worked on that."


"Polanski stands for the victims. He was in the ghetto. He saw his mother carried to Auschwitz and never returning, being gassed by Germans… I am a German. I'm lucky, because I can say my grandparents were not involved, because my grandfather deserted and took my family away from there, and he could have been shot for that. But I feel responsible."

Aus The Pianist - Interviews, AboutFilm, Dec. 2002


Kretschmann war sieben, als er das erste Mal im Kino saß, in Coswig, Sachsen-Anhalt, wo seine Großeltern wohnten. ...

Aus "Das Monster in mir" (2/6), by Henning Kober, KULTUR 04.Januar 2008, VANITY FAIR