Sonntag, 1. April 2001

The Karate Dog 撮影(Gerber 役)


Aus The Karate Dog (2004), IMDb

【2004年7月7日 "I, Robot" LAワールドプレミアでの Ron Lester ("The Karate Dog" Edward Cage 役)インタビューによれば、"Karate Dog" はこの時点の2.5〜3年前(2001年頃)にバンクーバーで撮影。2004年になってやっとこさ公開に「え〜っ、今頃?!」だそうです。】

Q: I heard you’ve got “Karate Dog” coming out soon.

Ron Lester: I have a movie coming out called “Karate Dog” with Jon Voight, and I play his son. But the funny thing is, we shot it almost 2 1/2 - 3 years ago. I did it when I was doing “Not Another Teen Movie” and “Popular.” We were up in Vancouver filming it and I was playing his son. It was me and Jaime Pressly. We’re like, “Oh my God, dude, the movie is just now coming out?!" ...

Aus Interview with Ron Lester from Not Another Teen Movie,

【"Karate Dog" のワーキングタイトルは "Unleashed" 。武術指導 Stenzel 先生のサイトによれば、2001年4月にブリティッシュ・コロンビア州バンクーバーでの "Unleashed" 撮影でJ.ヴォイトを指導。】

Veteran Actor Jon Voight poses with Master Stenzel after their scenes in the new motion picture "Unleashed" in Vancouver B.C. April 2001

Aus Stenzel's World Champion TaeKwonDo/Hapkido Institute.