Dienstag, 12. August 2003

Der Untergang 撮影(SS-Gruppenführer Hermann Fegelein役)



Dreharbeiten 12.08.2003-08.11.2003: St. Petersburg

Aus Der Untergang, filmportal.de


ミュンヘン郊外のBavaria Studiosに地下塹壕をそっくり模したセットが作られた。

A complete replica of the bunker itself was built on a soundstage at Bavaria Studios outside Munich.
For the exterior scenes, the filmmakers had to find locations that looked like Berlin in April 1945. "We went to a number of places, including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Rumania," says Eichinger. "But in St. Petersburg we found just the right streets. It's amazing how much it resembles wartime Berlin. Many German architects built there, and it's immediately apparent."


親衛隊士官フェーゲラインを演じたトーマス・クレッチマンいわく、断るには惜しい、興味をそそるプロジェクトであったという。ロマン・ポランスキーの "The Pianist" でナチ役をやったばかりの彼は言う。「こういうタイプの役はさんざんやったので引き受けまいと思っていた。でも脚本を見たら、よくできた精巧な脚本で読みふけってしまった。苦吟する市民という現実と地下壕での狂気の対比が描かれていて。この作品に出演できてうれしいよ。」彼はこの役柄を広範囲に渡り調査した。「フェーゲラインは、エヴァ・ブラウンの妹の夫という立場、ヒトラーの義理の弟という“虎の威”を利用してずる賢く立ち回って昇進してきた。ごろつきもいいところ。そんな奴はごろごろいたけど、その中でも群を抜いた悪者。目にした限りの彼についての記述では、私利私欲でしか動いてない奴。あと、いわば“寵児”で、女性受けはするけど、男性には嫌われるタイプ。」

Thomas Kretschmann, who plays SS Officer Fegelein, found the project too interesting to turn down. Having recently played a Nazi officer in Roman Polanski's The Pianist, he says, "Actually, I had wanted to leave this type of role behind me, since I've already had my fill. But then I read the script, and it was so good, so accurate, that I was just totally wrapped up in it. It sets the madness of the bunker against the reality of the suffering population. I was very glad to be part of it." He researched the role extensively. "As Hitler's brother-in-law -- Fegelein married Eva Braun's sister -- he 'weaseled' his way very cunningly to the top. He was a bastard. Of course, there were many of those, but Fegelein was a really special bastard. From everything that I was able to read about him, he seems to have acted solely out of self-interest. He was also something of a 'golden boy' whom women loved and men hated."

Aus downfall_pressnotes.pdf, ODEON FILMS