The Sinking of the Laconia 撮影(Admiral Dönitz 役)
1942年を舞台とする前後編大型TVドラマ "The Sinking of the Laconia" (ラコニア号沈没)の撮影が、大西洋南部で起きた物議をかもした悲劇的な事件から67年後の今年、始まった。
英国の優れた脚本家アラン・ブリーズデイルによる第二次世界大戦TVドラマ化。武装英国商船ラコニア号が独Uボート156の魚雷に被弾。ラコニア号に乗船していた英国兵士と一般市民、連合軍兵士とイタリア人捕虜兵士の人間ドラマを描く。沈没船生存者は400名、このままでは溺死必至。Uボート艦長ヴェルナー・ハーテンシュタインはナチ最高司令部命令に背き、敢えて生存者全員救出を乗組員に命じる。ハーテンシュタイン艦長が連合軍に対し生存者救難信号を送るそばから米軍B24に爆撃されるU156。"The Sinking of the Laconia" では、ごく普通の人々の並外れたヒロイズム、友愛と逆境を乗り越える気合いを描く。
All at sea The Sinking of the Laconia
Filming of The Sinking of the Laconia, a powerful two-part television mini-series set in 1942, began on the 67th anniversary of the tragic and controversial incident in the South Atlantic.
Dramatised by acclaimed British screenwriter Alan Bleasdale, the World War II television production explores the human stories of the British soldiers and civilians, allied soldiers and Italian prisoners-of-war who were aboard the armed British vessel, RMS Laconia, when it was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat 156. In a decision that contravened the orders of the Nazi High Command, U-boat commander Werner Hartenstein instructed his men to undertake a daring rescue of all 400 survivors, who faced certain death at sea. Although he gave orders for messages to be sent to the allies to recover the rescued survivors, U-boat 156 was attacked by an American B-24 bomber. The Sinking of the Laconia relates the extraordinary heroism of ordinary people, the friendships that developed and the triumph of the human spirit over great adversity.
In the largest interior location, the second floor of Capetown’s City Hall doubled as the Paris headquarters of Admiral Dönitz. “When my gaffer, John McKay, and I realised that the halls had eight huge windows, we decided to put 18K Silver Bullets directly outside each. But the windows were approximately 30-feet high, so we positioned the lights at 45-feet the South African way – with scaffolding. We were able to move through the building’s three halls in one long shot,” says Schreitel.
Aus InCamera - June 2010, Cinema and Television, Kodak