Frankenstein 撮影(Victor Helios 役)
最新リメイク版 "Frankenstein"、ハロウィーンの前哨戦として(2004年)10月10日 USA Cable Network で初放映。ベストセラー作家D.クーンツとJ.シバン脚本、M.スコセッシ、T.クランツ、シバン、クーンツ、M.ニスペル製作。監督も兼任する二スペルは1,000本をこえるCM、ミュージックビデオを撮影のD.パールと作成。
"Frankenstein" は暗黒恐怖映画。超低予算、超短期スケジュールで製作。(2004年)6月、ニューオーリンズで撮影。
The latest iteration of Frankenstein premiered on the USA Cable Network on October 10 as a prelude to Halloween. Dean Koontz, the novelist of many best sellers, and John Shiban scripted the film. The producers include Martin Scorsese, Tony Krantz, Shiban, Koontz and Marcus Nispel, who also directed. Nispel's credits include more than 1,000 television commercials and memorable music videos, many in collaboration with cinematographer Daniel Pearl.
Frankenstein is a dark, scary movie, which was crafted on a minimalist budget and demanding schedule. It was produced last June in New Orleans.
Aus The Return of Frankenstein Seen Through the Lens of Daniel Pearl, KODAK
USA 10 October 2004
Aus Frankenstein(2004)(TV) , Release dates, IMDb
(略) クレッチマン、ケーブルTV製作会社 USA Network の、これも古典のリメイク "Dean Koontz's Frankenstein" にも出演。
Thomas Kretschmann is in negotiations to join the cast of Peter Jackson's update of the 1933 classic "King Kong" for Universal Pictures, sources said, as well as another classic movie redo, "Dean Koontz's Frankenstein" for cable unit USA Network.
Aus Monkey business for Kretschmann: 'Kong' transport, Jun. 24, 2004, The Hollywood Reporter
1 Anm.:
撮影のDaniel Pearlって、Police の Every Breath You Take 撮った人なんですね。すごく納得。
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