In Transit 撮影(Max 役)
昨日(2006年3月1日)、英露共同製作 "In Transit" の撮影開始。ドキュメンタリー映画の雄トム・ロバーツのフィクションデビュー作。撮影地はサンクトペテルベルク。女性が警備する一時収容所に送られたドイツ人戦争捕虜の実話に基づく作品。
Yesterday was the first day of shooting for the Anglo-Russian co-production ‘In transit’, the first fiction film of documentary helmer Tom Roberts. The film is shot on location in St Petersburg and is based on the true story of German prisoners of war, who were held in a transit camp guarded by women.
The film stars John Malkovich as well as Thomas Kretschmann and Daniel Brühl as prisoners. Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite and American actress of Ukrainian decent Vera Farmiga play two of the female guards. The film is shot by Russian cinematographer Sergei Astakhov.
Thema Production 製作の英露共同作、ジョン・マルコヴィッチが冷酷なソ連秘密警察大佐を演じる作品を、サンクトペテルブルク郊外プーシュキンにある糊工場で撮影中。
"In Transit" は第二次世界大戦直後の1946年、ドイツ人戦争捕虜の一団が、女性に警備される一時収容所に間違って送り込まれたというプーシュキンで起こった実話に基づく作品。サンクトペテルブルクの南部にある工場“Krasny Treugolnik”(赤い三角)で撮影。
主要キャラクターは、元大学教授 Max をドイツ人俳優トーマス・クレッチマンが演じる。Max はマルコヴィッチ演じる拷問官、サディズムの王者 Pavlov 大佐に立ち向かう。
John Malkovich is playing a gruesome NKVD colonel in a new British-Russian film currently being shot by Thema Production at a glue factory in the St. Petersburg suburb of Pushkin.
Set in 1946, “In Transit” is based on real events that took place in Pushkin. A group of German prisoners of war is by accident sent to and held in a transit camp guarded by women immediately after the end of the Second World War. The location being used for the shoot is the “Krasny Treugolnik” (Red Triangle) factory in the south of the city.
The main character, a former university professor, Max, is played by German actor Thomas Kretschmann. Max is confronted by Malkovich’s character, Colonel Pavlov, a vicious torturer and champion of sadism.