SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 撮影(Roscoe 役)
Aus SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) - Full cast and crew, IMDb
【Jean Bobbins 役の Vanessa Angel インタビューによれば、2001年9月11日前後はバンクーバーで "SuperBabies" 撮影が進行中。9.11テロの混乱の最中、主演のおちびさんたちの存在に癒されたというのが印象的な撮影だったそうな。】
Q. What was your most memorable moment while filming Superbabies?
A. Well you know what was actually really funny was that this was shot in 2001, and I don't know why it's taken so long to come out, but we were all together over the September 11th event. So it was strange, we were shooting it in Vancouver and it was very strange because the whole crew and cast were together during that weird time in history so it was a very bonding experience. So I remember that was a very traumatic time for a lot of people and we were all together so we shared a lot of those sort of experiences together and it was just so lovely being around these children, the four main leads, and they had twins play the little kids so they could swap them out when they get too tired. So, it was just lovely being around that kind of young energy because they were mostly about two and a half years old so that's a very sweet age so that was really memorable.