Blade 2 撮影(Damaskinos 役)
Production start date
Aus Blade II, Film & TV Database, BFI
【ギレルモ・デル・トロ監督インタビューによればBlade 2 撮影は2001年1月以降、撮影日数115日】
4週間 "Devil's Backbone" を撮影[並行して編集]した後いったん凍結。(2000年)9〜12月に "Devil's Backbone" の仕上げをしながら "Blade 2" の製作準備をして、(2001年)1月にプラハに行って、 "Blade 2" の撮影。
I did "Devil’s Backbone". Four weeks after the shoot, I locked picture [after editing the film while shooting it], post-produced it from September to December while pre-producing "Blade 2", and in January I moved to Prague and shot Blade 2.
Aus Featuring Guillermo Del Toro, GADFLY online, Apr. 15, 2002
"Cronos" の撮影日数は40日、 "Devil’s Backbone" は50日、 "Mimic" は70日。この作品("Blade 2")は115日だった。
"Cronos" was 40 days of shooting, "Devil’s Backbone" was 50. "Mimic" was 70. This movie was 115.
Aus DIRECTING BLADE 2, Vampires & Slayers online
"Well, the process was horrible, because it was about seven hours of make-up. After walking out of make-up, you're already done. You're exhausted; you want to go home. Then you go on for another six or seven hours acting. That's horrible. I never want to do that again. It's like masochism, to put this shit on your face. But, underneath, [aside from] the pain, and the sweating underneath, and the burning everywhere, and itching--except that, the acting is fantastic. You can do whatever you want, because it's not too much. You can allow yourself to do whatever you want, you're not ashamed. For the character, everything is possible. It reminded me of theater. You can scream and spin around and move around like an idiot, exaggerating, and it's right. There are totally different laws, and it's fun for that. It's absolutely fun. But the pain… not again."
Aus The Pianist - Interviews, AboutFilm, Dec. 2002
ドイツ人役ばかりではないと彼は強調する。最近では、ウェズリー・スナイプス主演のホラーフィルムの "Blade 2"(邦題:ブレイド2)に出演している。ヴァンパイア役で。メーキャップに毎日7時間かかるとも知らずに引き受けたのだが。「あの役は一生のうちに一度やればたくさん、もういい。」
Mit Nachdruck betont er, dass er nicht nur auf den Deutschen geeicht ist. Schließlich hat er auch in dem Horrorfilm "Blade 2" mitgespielt. Neben Wesley Snipes. Als Vampir. Allerdings ist er da gar nicht zu erkennen und musste, wie er einräumt, täglich sieben Stunden in der Maske sitzen: "Das macht man einmal im Leben und nicht wieder."
Aus Freischwimmer, 27. 10. 2002, Berliner Morgenpost
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