Head in the clouds 撮影(Maj. Franz Bietrich 役)
Production start date
Aus Head in the Clouds, Film & TV Database, BFI
(略) 主なパリ屋内シーンはモントリオールのセットで撮影。10週間の撮影中、ロンドン、フランスでもロケ。(略)
... Most of the interiors and the main Parisian locations were recreated in Montreal, but the ten-week production schedule also took the cast and crew to London and France. ...
Aus Head in the Clouds, Filmmakers, About the Production
【2004年9月17日全米公開時の Premiere - Head in the Clouds の子記事によれば、当初主役ギルダ役に予定されていたN.ポートマンが12月、土壇場で降板。代役捜しで撮影開始が2ヶ月延期。タイプは違うが、キャラクターの想定年齢に近いC.セロンに決定。
... The film reportedly nearly collapsed last December when Natalie Portman, who was set to play Gilda, withdrew herself - and her star power - from the project. Portman's rep says the actress left because of creative differences. Duigan says that "maybe she ultimately wasn't confident that the part was for her." Shooting was delayed for two months as the producers scrambled for a replacement. "Charlize is a very different actress," Duigan says, "and closer to the age of the character as I had originally conceived it.”
Aus World War Wow, by Karl Rozemeyer, Premiere.com
Head in the Clouds 主役は当初N.ポートマンだった。プリプロダクションの2週間前に役にふさわしくないと突如降板。C.セロンが主役に。
Natalie Portman. Portman turned down the lead role 2 weeks before pre-production because she didn't feel she was right for the part.
Actor who got the part: Charlize Theron
Aus Who was considered for Head in the Clouds?, notstarring.com